Tag: Car dealership in Carbon County

Is 200,000 Miles the 100,000 Miles?

It used to be that if you knew someone with a car with more than 200,000 miles on it that was a rare thing. Today, however, cars are being made to last longer on the roads, such that 200,000 miles is like the new 100,000 miles. In other words, if hitting 100,000 miles used to… Read more »

Self-Driving Cars: From Sci-Fi to Non-Fiction

For decades, the masses have pondered what it would be like to have a car that is fully automated and can drive its occupants without any help or input from a human other than the destination. This was long thought to be something of the movies or the distant future, but they’re here, real and… Read more »

Popular Assumptions of Car Brands

443 Auto Sales of Lehighton, PA, knows that choosing a car is one of life’s biggest and most important decisions.  Most people want the same features in cars; they want dependability, comfort and style.  Plus, the vehicle we choose is often considered as an extension of our personality, making the decision even more intriguing.  Below… Read more »