Thinking of buying a used car but you’ve got poor credit? You can still buy a car! Ideally, work on your credit before you decide to look for a car to buy. Create a monthly budget and stick to it. Pay off your credit debts. Spend less money, avoiding the urge to buy stuff you don’t really need. Do what you can to clean up your credit score by paying off your accounts, fixing credit report errors, etc. Don’t take on any major credit obligations right before you want to buy a used car.
Poor Credit Is a Hurdle You Can Jump When Buying a Used Car
Even if you have poor credit, you can still buy a used car– you’ll just pay a higher interest rate. If possible, write down all your expenses as well as your income so you have an idea of where you’re at financially right now. Know what you can afford to pay, and try to make a bigger initial down payment if possible.
When looking at used cars, see if you can get pre-approved for a loan. And when looking at cars, don’t expect to pick the most expensive ones with all the extras. Poor credit means you might have to skip the heated leather seats or rear spoiler with sunroof options. Perhaps you can find a dealer who offers “buy here pay here.”
In Lehighton, PA, 443 Auto Sales is a “buy here pay here” dealer. You can actually jumpstart your car buying process by applying for credit here.
After filling out the application, you’ll be contacted about financing options. For more information, please call 443 Auto Sales at 570-386-0443 or come visit the showroom at 2848 Blakeslee Blvd. in Lehighton. Even if you’ve got poor credit, you can get a used car!